for a single school, for an academic year
- An academic year of support for all your sustainability needs
- Interactive downloadable lesson plans and resources to support sustainability within your school
- Your very own online sustainability action plan to track and record your journey
- Priority access to new material and wider PECT project opportunities
- Access to our sustainability calendar so you never miss those important dates and events
- Notification of funding opportunities to support your school’s ambitions
- Regular snapshot updates directly to your inbox
- Updates on the latest changes in environmental education and sustainability, including policies, research and recommendations
Multi-Site Membership
Are you a Multi Academy Trust, Local Authority or a Federation of schools?
Get in touch
with the Climate Education team to discuss your requirements
- Our Climate Education package can be tailored to meet the bespoke needs of your network. Each of your sites will have access to their own Climate Education membership area through a unique login providing all the great support of our One-Stop Green Hub.Additionally, you would also be able to access an overview of what each school is doing, their planned actions and achievements.By bringing your school network together in a sustainable way you will be able to look at trends across all sites to support each in achieving their aims.
Optional Extras
- All
- Local Sustainable Food
- Our Natural Environment
- Sustainable Travel & Health
- Zero Waste & Sustainable Living
- Zero Carbon & Climate Change
- Other
Tesco Stronger Starts
The scheme is open to all schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants
Opportunity to apply for a grant of £1000 to help fund a breakfast club. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Grants for Gardening Projects
Schools based within the 33 borough of London can apply for small gardening grants awarded by the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (MPGA), a charity that preserves and improves gardens, neglected sites and green public open spaces. Grants of up to £1,500 can be used for various projects, including planting, equipment purchase, benches and churchyard refurbishments, etc. [Deadline – End of May, August & November 2024].
Local School Nature Grants
Open to schools and early years settings in England, Scotland, and Wales, this outdoor learning grant fund has two elements – £500 of outdoor equipment chosen from a catalogue of over 100 items, and an outdoor learning training course for your staff. [Deadline – Friday 26th April 2024, Friday 6th September 2024, Friday 8th November 2024].
Outdoor Essentials Grant
The outdoor essentials grant is an award for UK state funded schools to enable them to get pupils learning outdoors. [Now closed – further funding due later in the year]
Evolve Get Out!
Monthly awards of up to £500 to help facilitate outdoor learning in schools for equipment, training, travel or resources. [Grants now open, until allocated]
NatureSave Trust
Funding conservation projects that protects wildlife and improves biodiversity. [Open from May – June 2024].
NatureSave Trust
Funding conservation projects that protects wildlife and improves biodiversity. [Open from May – June 2024].
Outdoor Guide Foundation
Primary schools can nominate themselves to receive discounted or free outdoor clothing and welly sets to enable more children to be outside. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Alpkit Foundation
Supporting projects that encourage responsible outdoor activities which have long lasting benefits introducing new people to get outdoors. [Deadline – Ongoing].
The New Horizon Fund
Up to £1000 of resources to support gardening projects across the UK. With school gardens also eligible for donations. [Deadline – Ongoing Cohorts].
I Dig Trees
Tackle climate change with free carbon-busting trees, plant a pocket forest – create havens for wildlife, and green up your local environment for generations to enjoy. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Learn about bees by having your very own school national bee hive! Understand the inner workings of a hive, honey production, lifecycles and much more. [Deadline – Until all hives have been allocated].
Apply for your education pack including native wildflower seedballs, handmade in the UK. [Deadline – Until all kits have been allocated].
Tree Council, Young Tree Champions
Supporting schools to embark on impactful nature based projects that connect pupils and teachers to trees and nature. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Woodland Trust, Free Trees
Giving away hundreds of thousands of trees to schools and communities, to get millions more trees in the ground. [Deadline – Ongoing in cohorts].
Terracycle Green School Project
You can earn money for your school simply by recycling and raising funds with TerraCycle! When you recycle, you earn points for each shipment of hard-to-recycle rubbish you send in. These points can then be redeemed as a monetary donation to your school! [Deadline – Ongoing].
B&Q Reuse
Makes surplus and display items available for free to schools and community groups, including plants and planters. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Solar For Schools
Solar for schools, will work with you to figure out the best way to fund the solar project and make it happen. From systems fully funded by a community benefit society, or a community energy group, to systems funded and owned by the schools – or somewhere between. They can help you secure the best option based on your school’s needs, location and objectives. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Free Electric Vehicle Charger Installation
Free 7.3Kwh AC twin charger, subject to site visit and hitting the qualification criteria, other chargers available. This offer is available for schools however there are eligibility requirements to meet upon sign up. [Deadline – ongoing].
The Royal Society, Tomorrow’s Climate Scientists
Aims to give students across the UK not just a voice, but an opportunity to take action themselves to address climate and biodiversity issues. [Deadline – Ongoing in cohorts].
SAMHE – Free Air Monitors
Assess and monitor the indoor air quality around your school using a specially designed air monitor kit for schools. You will get a free high spec air quality monitor that measures carbon dioxide (CO2), volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), particulate matter (PM), temperature and relative humidity. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Outdoors For All
A grant giving charity dedicated to supporting everyone, everywhere to get out and enjoy the outdoors. [Deadline – Ongoing].
National Lottery Awards for All England
A quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000. Supporting communities with the things that are important to them. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Engage Grants
Are designed to help schools run CREST Awards with students who are underrepresented in STEM.[Returns in September 2024]
Wickes Community Programme
A dedicated product fund to support local initatives in helping them maintain and renovate community areas – open and available to schools. [Deadline – Ongoing]
Go Green Scheme
Supports eco-friendly projects in schools by providing additional funding for current or planned projects, focused on sustainability. [Deadline – ongoing].
Outdoor Learning Grant
Schools visiting the South Downs National Park may be able to benefit from the Outdoor Learning Grant. This can help with the costs of a trip by contributing towards the transport and learning providers fees. [Deadline – one grant before the end of March 2025].
Funding for Environmental Projects
Schools and colleges in the Severn Trent Water region can apply for grants of between £2,000 and £200,000 to support new local community projects. The funding is being made available through the Severn Trent Water Community Fund. It will support projects that help people lead healthier lifestyles, gain new skills and create better places to live in. [Deadline – on going].
Tesco Stronger Starts
The scheme is open to all schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants
Opportunity to apply for a grant of £1000 to help fund a breakfast club. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Grants for Gardening Projects
Schools based within the 33 borough of London can apply for small gardening grants awarded by the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (MPGA), a charity that preserves and improves gardens, neglected sites and green public open spaces. Grants of up to £1,500 can be used for various projects, including planting, equipment purchase, benches and churchyard refurbishments, etc. [Deadline – End of May, August & November 2024].
Local School Nature Grants
Open to schools and early years settings in England, Scotland, and Wales, this outdoor learning grant fund has two elements – £500 of outdoor equipment chosen from a catalogue of over 100 items, and an outdoor learning training course for your staff. [Deadline – Friday 26th April 2024, Friday 6th September 2024, Friday 8th November 2024].
Outdoor Essentials Grant
The outdoor essentials grant is an award for UK state funded schools to enable them to get pupils learning outdoors. [Now closed – further funding due later in the year]
Evolve Get Out!
Monthly awards of up to £500 to help facilitate outdoor learning in schools for equipment, training, travel or resources. [Grants now open, until allocated]
NatureSave Trust
Funding conservation projects that protects wildlife and improves biodiversity. [Open from May – June 2024].
NatureSave Trust
Funding conservation projects that protects wildlife and improves biodiversity. [Open from May – June 2024].
Outdoor Guide Foundation
Primary schools can nominate themselves to receive discounted or free outdoor clothing and welly sets to enable more children to be outside. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Alpkit Foundation
Supporting projects that encourage responsible outdoor activities which have long lasting benefits introducing new people to get outdoors. [Deadline – Ongoing].
The New Horizon Fund
Up to £1000 of resources to support gardening projects across the UK. With school gardens also eligible for donations. [Deadline – Ongoing Cohorts].
I Dig Trees
Tackle climate change with free carbon-busting trees, plant a pocket forest – create havens for wildlife, and green up your local environment for generations to enjoy. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Learn about bees by having your very own school national bee hive! Understand the inner workings of a hive, honey production, lifecycles and much more. [Deadline – Until all hives have been allocated].
Apply for your education pack including native wildflower seedballs, handmade in the UK. [Deadline – Until all kits have been allocated].
Tree Council, Young Tree Champions
Supporting schools to embark on impactful nature based projects that connect pupils and teachers to trees and nature. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Woodland Trust, Free Trees
Giving away hundreds of thousands of trees to schools and communities, to get millions more trees in the ground. [Deadline – Ongoing in cohorts].
Terracycle Green School Project
You can earn money for your school simply by recycling and raising funds with TerraCycle! When you recycle, you earn points for each shipment of hard-to-recycle rubbish you send in. These points can then be redeemed as a monetary donation to your school! [Deadline – Ongoing].
B&Q Reuse
Makes surplus and display items available for free to schools and community groups, including plants and planters. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Solar For Schools
Solar for schools, will work with you to figure out the best way to fund the solar project and make it happen. From systems fully funded by a community benefit society, or a community energy group, to systems funded and owned by the schools – or somewhere between. They can help you secure the best option based on your school’s needs, location and objectives. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Free Electric Vehicle Charger Installation
Free 7.3Kwh AC twin charger, subject to site visit and hitting the qualification criteria, other chargers available. This offer is available for schools however there are eligibility requirements to meet upon sign up. [Deadline – ongoing].
The Royal Society, Tomorrow’s Climate Scientists
Aims to give students across the UK not just a voice, but an opportunity to take action themselves to address climate and biodiversity issues. [Deadline – Ongoing in cohorts].
SAMHE – Free Air Monitors
Assess and monitor the indoor air quality around your school using a specially designed air monitor kit for schools. You will get a free high spec air quality monitor that measures carbon dioxide (CO2), volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), particulate matter (PM), temperature and relative humidity. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Funding for Environmental Projects
Schools and colleges in the Severn Trent Water region can apply for grants of between £2,000 and £200,000 to support new local community projects. The funding is being made available through the Severn Trent Water Community Fund. It will support projects that help people lead healthier lifestyles, gain new skills and create better places to live in. [Deadline – on going].
Outdoor Learning Grant
Schools visiting the South Downs National Park may be able to benefit from the Outdoor Learning Grant. This can help with the costs of a trip by contributing towards the transport and learning providers fees. [Deadline – one grant before the end of March 2025].
Go Green Scheme
Supports eco-friendly projects in schools by providing additional funding for current or planned projects, focused on sustainability. [Deadline – ongoing].
Wickes Community Programme
A dedicated product fund to support local initatives in helping them maintain and renovate community areas – open and available to schools. [Deadline – Ongoing]
Engage Grants
Are designed to help schools run CREST Awards with students who are underrepresented in STEM.[Returns in September 2024]
National Lottery Awards for All England
A quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £10,000. Supporting communities with the things that are important to them. [Deadline – Ongoing].
Outdoors For All
A grant giving charity dedicated to supporting everyone, everywhere to get out and enjoy the outdoors. [Deadline – Ongoing].

1000 Hours Outside

Action for Conservation

Anglian Water

Backyard Nature

Bite Back

British Council - Connecting Classrooms

British Science Week

British Tree Council

Huntingdon Primary is an enthusiastic Climate Education member, especially in Net Zero efforts. Including:
- Purchasing apple and pear trees to plant on school grounds.
- Adding sustainability and climate change to their curriculum.
- Carrying out a food waste audit and reducing food waste.

Ernulf Academy are making great progress on Climate Education. They have pledged climate actions including:
- Creating a composting system.
- Setting up a uniform swap shop and implement a whole school recycling programme.
- Working on providing more homes for nature and planting trees on school grounds.
Thongsley Fields are advocates for sustainability, especially the Natural Environment! Climate actions include:
- Planting trees, putting up bird boxes across the school site and creating wildlife corridors.
- Create a composting system and set up a school growing programme.
- Reduce paper usage and complete a litter pick survey.

Robert Arkenstall are focused on improving their natural environment. They have committed to climate actions, including:
- Running a gardening club and taking part in a national campaign.
- Renovating the school pond and creating wildflower meadows.
- Promoting waste-free lunches and implementing a whole school recycling program.
Stukeley Meadows continue to progress well with their Climate Education membership. Climate actions pledged include:
- Creating a rain garden and a community biodiversity project to support the natural environment.
- Creating a clean air zone around the school gates.
- Carbon literacy staff training.

St Augustine‘s continue to work on their climate actions through Climate Education. These include:
- Incorporating Zero Waste & Sustainable Living into Year 5 Geography.
- Taking part in national Net Zero and Natural Environment campaigns.
- Recycling workshops and assemblies.
Kings Ely work across all five themes of Climate Education to make a difference in their local community. For example:
- Switching to a renewable energy supplier and reducing energy usage.
- Complete a litter pick survey and implement a recycling programme.
- Develop school grounds and provide homes for nature.

The Shade are a successful member of Climate Education. They continue to be ambitious with their range of climate actions, including:
- Improving food sustainability in the school by reducing meat on menu.
- Creating homes for nature by creating a school pond and planting wildflower meadows.
- Reduce energy usage and food waste.
Swaffham Bulbeck are impactful members of Climate Education. They focus on various climate actions, including:
- Establishing a school grounds and management plan to increase natural resources instead of plastic.
- Improving waste systems, including food waste and paper recycling.
- Travel audits to raise awareness of sustainable transport.

Heltwate School is passionate about sustainability. They continue to be successful with their climate actions, including:
- Set up a school growing programme to connect students with the food they eat.
- Setting targets to reduce energy and paper usage.
- Aiming to become a single-use plastic free school.
Northborough Primary are a keen member of Climate Education. During the course of their action plans, they have undertaken various initiatives based on food, travel, waste and the environment, including:
- Developing their pond area and promoting use with classes for outdoor learning.
- Asking parents to pre-book meals to limit waste.
- Continuing to develop staff knowledge and expertise for delivering outdoor learning.