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Green Tools

There are many different climate action tools available which can bring to life the environmental impact we have on our planet.

This Green Tools Directory will help you to find the ones that are most relevant to you and your students to initiate long-term behaviour change and understand the impact that each one of us and our actions can have.

Air Quality Map

This website shows the latest near-real-time air quality data across England.

Biffa Waste Clock

Enter your month and year of birth below to see how much waste you have created in your life.

Climate Action Score Cards

Check to see how your local council are doing in the race to net zero!

Climate Crisis

Play the game to understand what really makes a difference to the environment we live in.

Food Miles Calculator

Measure how far food has travelled before it reaches the consumer.

Ocean Clean Up

Find out the fate of floating plastic 20 years from now.

The Met Office - Climate Explorer

Explore local climate information and understand how global climate change may affect your area.

The Carbon Map

Use an animated, distorted, shaded, interactive map to help understand how different countries fit into the climate change picture.

TheClimate Game

Can you reach net zero by 2050? See if you can save the planet from the worst effects of climate change.

The World Counts

Real-time data on the state of the planet - everything from climate change, toxic waste, child labor and slavery.

Tree Equity Score

Identify the areas in greatest need of people-focused investment in trees.